"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
Our lives as Christians become so much fuller, richer, and more meaningful when we look outside ourselves and find ways to help others. Resurrection provides many ways for you to "faithfully administer God's grace" by getting involved in service to Him and to others.
Consider these possibilities:
- Altar Guild: Prepare the church for worship and communion
- Teachers and Assistants: Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Children's Church, Confirmation Classes
- Gardening: Clean-up and maintaining our beautiful grounds
- Meal-a-Month: Prepare a meal for the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN)
- Mission Projects: Seasonal efforts to aid the needy around the world
- Mission Boutique: Group who make crafts and gifts for Christmas Mission Fair
- Blood Drives: Regularly scheduled opportunity to donate blood through Long Island Blood Services
- Eyes for the Needy: Donate used eyeglasses for the needy
- Mission Trips: Occasional service and ministry trips for youth and/or adults locally, regionally, and internationally
- Office Helpers: Help assemble worship folders, mailings, etc.
- Newsletter Creative Team: Contribute articles and/or photography for monthly newsletter